Andrew Bulley Jr., known as the hilarious Mavis Beacon and the strategic kind of helpless romantic King, Nana, in his debut Stage Production by Roverman, The Last Flight, seeks to explore the intricacies of human behaviour through the opportunity Acting provides, and primarily, put a lasting smile on his audience’s heart with his art.
His drive for the art is evidently seen in his academic pursuits, having completed his 2nd Degree in M.A. Theatre Arts at the University of Ghana Legon. One might say he digressed from his 1st degree in Economics from KNUST, but Andrew would admit that he found his calling!
Andrew Bulley’s specialised categories includes Comedy, Action, Drama, Melo-Drama, Musical Theatre, just to name some. As an Acting brand, he is known for being funny, witty and in style.
Some of his notable works in addition to Prophet Baddo and The Last Flight includes, ‘Lawyer Baako’ in Dede series by Shirley Frimpong-Manso, ‘Seth’ in Rejected by James Ebo-Whyte, the ‘Husband’ in Ebo-Whyte’s Not My Husband, and ‘Reverend’ in Devil’s Wife by Ebo-Whyte.
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